I wish I knew but we have to learn how to stay out peoples.bussiness.
Chad Michael Murray is 36 years old (birthdate: August 24, 1981).
Chad Michael Michaels is figure skating!
Chad Michael Murray is a/an Actor, model
Chad Michael Murray goes by CMM.
Chad Michael Murray (born August 24, 1981).
Kevin Kilner.
Chad Michael Murray was married to Sophia Bush from 2005 to 2006. It is uncertain who he is currently dating or even if he is dating anyone.
i love chad Michael Murray.. He is one of my favourite actors :)
chad reeds vavorite color is blue. -- Emma Castelli
I wish I knew but we have to learn how to stay out peoples.bussiness.
Chad Michael Murray is 36 years old (birthdate: August 24, 1981).
Chad Michael Michaels is figure skating!
Chad Michael Collins's birth name is Chad M. Collins.
Chad Michael Wyckoff is 5' 9".
Chad Michael Collins is 6'.