Chad Michael Murray is 36 years old (birthdate: August 24, 1981).
Chad Michael Murray is a/an Actor, model
Chad Michael Murray goes by CMM.
Chad Michael Murray has 2 children
Chad Michael Murray, the American actor, has been married once and is reportedly in another relationship, he has not stated his sexual preference in public. WikiAnswers will not speculate on what is personal and private information to any individual.Our contributors say :No, Chad Michael Murray isn't gay!Chad Michael Murray used to be married to Sophia Bush, which means that he is at least straight, and he has not stated anything about his sexuality so no one can prove that he is bisexual.
Ryan Atwood
chad Michael Murray will be 29 in 2010
Chad Michael Murray is a/an Actor, model
Chad Michael Murray was born on August 24, 1981
Chad Michael Murray goes by CMM.
Yes, Chad Michael Murray has 2 kids.
Chad Michael Murray has 2 children
Yes, Chad Michael Murray has 2 kids.
Chad Michael Murray has 2 children
i love chad Michael Murray.. He is one of my favourite actors :)
Chad Michael Murray was born on August 24, 1981.
Chad Michael Murray was born on August 24, 1981
Chad Michael Murray was born on August 24, 1981.