Boo Boo Stewart is a celebrity known for roles like Seth in Twilight Saga: New Moon. Because of this, he does not release his cell number to the public. There is however a fan mail address listed for him but the legitimacy of it is uncertain: PO Box 4378 Sunland Ca 91041-4378.
Booboo Stewarts real name is nils allen stewart jr.
Sulley hid Boo's toys in locker 193, locker 193 was George's locker.
Honey Boo Boo's given name is Alana Thompson.
Geoffrey Rush
A mobile phone number is a phone number that a cell phone has
Between 135lbs to 145lbs
Hairspray and nice sneakers
No she is not. Fivel Stewart is Boo Boo's sister
Dark Brown (:
He is about 5'6 maybe a little taller
Booboo Stewarts real name is nils allen stewart jr.
Hey, he is 15 years old
This information is only for him and his close friends and family to know so he will never give out this information you will just have to become great friends and figure it out
He doesn't have one. I met him at the twilight convention & he said he was too busy for one.
A public fan phone number for Boo-Boo Stewart is not known at this time. provide personal contact information for celebrities and noncelebrities alike.
her real name is Miley Cyrus and her email is She called me when i gave her my phone number!