Actor Beau Bridges real name is Lloyd Vernet Bridges. As of 2014 he is 72 years old and a Golden Globe and Grammy Award winner.
Lloyd "Beau" Bridges III is 76 years old (birthdate: December 9, 1941). He is the son of Lloyd Bridges (Jr.) and the older brother of Jeff Bridges.
Peter (:
Yes they are real. She had moderately big lips when she was a child.
Beau Hoffman is 5' 7".
Julie Bowen's birth name is Julie Bowen Luetkemeyer.
Beau Bridges was born on December 9, 1941.
Beau Bridges was born on December 9, 1941.
False - Jordan Bridges, is the son of Beau Bridges, and the nephew of Jeff Bridges.
I don't think so since she changed her name to Bridges as a actress.She is Canadian
The actor Beau Bridges is Jeff Bridges' brother.
Sounds like "Beau Bridges" to me...
Christopher Brian Bridges is ludacris name
Ludacris's real name is Christopher Bridges
hidden hills, CA
Lloyd Bridges had a black daughter-in-law, Dori Birnkrant, who is the wife of his son, Beau Bridges. Beau Bridges and Dori Birnkrant have a mixed-race son, Casey.
Crook and Chase - 1986 Beau Bridges Jason Brooks was released on: USA: 1997