Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Her favorite color is black.
his favorite color is green
His favorite color is blue.
The population of Chos Malal is 11,361.
The population of Chos Malal Department is 14,185.
Chos Malal was created on 1887-08-04.
The area of Chos Malal Department is 4,330 square kilometers.
Chos-skyid has written: 'Chos-skyid kyi skyid sdug dran gso' -- subject(s): Political prisoners, Detention of persons, Biography
He did not have a favorite color.
it has CHOS
red is her favorite color red is her favorite color
Her favorite color is Black.green.
His favorite color is orange.
Her favorite color is Purple
Her favorite color was cyan.