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Children of different ethnic groups attend the same neighborhood school.

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What is pluralistic democratic state?

A pluralistic democratic state is one in which a diverse population representing many differences and cultures governs itself. The United States is an example of a pluralistic democratic state.

What is pluralist state?

A pluralistic democratic state is one in which a diverse population representing many differences and cultures governs itself. The United States is an example of a pluralistic democratic state.

What is the pluralistic nature of contemporary Christanity?

It is not pluralistic.

What is opposite of pluralistic society?

Although only in theory, the opposite of a pluralistic society is a monistic society.

What is a society populated by a variety of different ethnic groups called?

a pluralistic society

Are pets in your neighborhood an example of a population?

Yes, they are an an example of the pet population.

Is neighborhood a collective noun?

No, the noun 'neighborhood' is not a standard collective noun, however, any noun that suits the circumstances can function as a collective noun; for example a neighborhood of artists, a neighborhood of shops, a neighborhood of immigrants, etc.

What is a sentence for neighborhood?

The neighborhood kids gather at the park every afternoon to play soccer.

What is the antonym of pluralistic?


What is the antonym for pluralistic?

The antonym for pluralistic is monolithic, which refers to a system or society characterized by a single, unified structure or belief system without diversity or plurality.

What iz pluralistic?

well a plulralistic societ

What is pluralistic research?

I don't know for certain but pluralistic politics is politics where multiple opinions are tolerated and encouraged, in particular the allowing of multiple political parties. I'd guess that pluralistic research is research where you investigate multiple sources and the discussion of multiple opinions on the same subject