A watercourse is a route on water. It usually refers to a stream or river.
A hobbit barrow is referred to as a 'smail.'
The Individuated Hobbit was created in 1979-09.
what does mantelpiece mean in the hobbit
The movies do not tell why the Dwarves are hated in The Hobbit and The Hobbit DoS. However, it is believed that past wars and experiences are the reason the Dwarves are hated.
The Hobbit was published on September 21, 1937.
Angel Falls is part of a watercourse
Watercourse Way was created in 1919-11.
A watercourse is the course of the water - the pathway that the water takes through the land.
An American word for a rocky ravine or dry watercourse is "arroyo."
WADI - an Arabic term refers to a dry riverbed. Or, in the Americas, it is called an arroyo.
A dimble is a ravine with a watercourse.
The bed of a youthful valley will be steeper than the remainder of the watercourse, and the valley walls will be steeper than the remainder of the watercourse.
stream, tributary, watercourse, waterway
A stream.
A thalweg is the lowest elevation in a valley or watercourse.