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C major triad : C - E - G

G major triad : G - B - D

D major triad : D - F# - A

A major triad: A - C# - E

E major triad : E - G# - B

B major triad : B - D# - F

C# major triad: C# - E# - G#

F# major triad : F# - A# - C#

Cb major triad : Cb - Eb - G

Gb major triad : Gb - Bb - Db

Db major triad : Db - F - Ab

Ab major triad : Ab - C - Eb

Eb major triad : Eb - G - Bb

Bb major triad : Bb - D - F

F major triad : F - A - C

A natural minor triad : A - C - E

E natural minor triad : E - G - B

B natural minor triad : B - D - F#

F# natural minor triad : F# - A - C#

C# natural minor triad : C# - E - G#

A# natural minor triad : A# - C# - E

G# natural minor triad : G# - B - D#

D# natural minor triad : D# - F# - A#

Eb natural minor triad : Eb - Gb - Bb

Ab natural minor triad : Ab - C -Eb

Bb natural minor triad : Bb - Db - F

D natural minor triad : D - F - A

G natural minor triad : G - Bb - D

C natural minor triad : C - Eb - G

F natural minor triad : F - Ab - C

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14y ago
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14y ago

A three-note chord containing the root, third and fifth of a given key. A tonic triad in C Major would contain the notes C, E and G.

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11y ago

3 notes 1 2 and 3 finger

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14y ago

D f# a

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Q: What is a tonic triad in music?
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What is the tonic triad in f major in music?

The tonic of F major is F major.

What do you do if a tonic triad has two key signatures?

It depends what key is this tonic triad in.

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b major

What is the tonic triad for E harmonic minor?

E, G and B.

What is the triad built on the first step of the scale?

The triad built on the first step of a major scale is a major triad, consisting of the root note, a major third above, and a perfect fifth above.

What is super tonic triad?

i don't know but but 100 persent of the people could find that out on you tube :)

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Tonic - music venue - ended in 2007.

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Tonic - music venue - was created in 1998.

How do you explain what is meant by a key of a piece of music?

The key identifies the tonic triad, the chord, major or minor, which represents the final point of rest for a piece.

What should you do if you want music notes of your choice?

A tonic triad of C major always sounds pretty good. F# and A sound good together. Try various major keys, that would sound the nicest.

Which 3 note of the major scale make up the most stable triad?

Tonic (1st), natural 3rd and natural 5th.