a remark made by an actor to the audience that other actors don't hear is called aside
The name of the actor in the GEICO Man Made of Money commercial is not stated. It is stated that Jake Wood a British actor is the current voice of the GEICO gecko.
Well...My gaydar says definitely yes, but the actor himself has not made it publically official.
I think it was Christopher Lee.
Shekhar Suman
i do not know if she is racist but it is said she has a thing against fat people and finds them offensive so she probably is a racist.
An 'aside'.
That is called an aside.
Depending on several factors, an aside or a soliloquy. Typically, an aside is a short comment made directly to the audience. Think of saying something under one's breath. A soliloquy is the character's train of thought spoken aloud for the audience to hear, but inaudible to other characters. So, based on the word 'remark' in your question, aside is probably the term you want.
This is usually referred to in the script as an aside. Asides take place in particular styles of drama, and are not something you'd get in naturalism for example where an aside would be 'breaking the imaginary fourth wall' and reminding the audience they are watching a play.
A short remark unheard by the other characters is called an aside. A monologue unheard by the other characters is a soliloquy.
The correct quotation is "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" "Shall I hear more" does not mean the same thing as "shall you hear more" Probably the best way to define an aside is a line said by a character which is unheard by anyone else on stage, but is heard by the audience. By this definition, the remark is an aside: Romeo says it but Juliet doesn't hear it. The Wikipedia definition of aside as a remark addressed to the audience is unhelpful, as it is unclear whether the remark is to be addressed to the audience or whether he is addressing himself. It depends on how the actor is directed.
Tell us which one.
She made a snide remark about his outfit at the party.
If an actor speaks directly to the audience it is called an aside. If an actor speaks to himself, while only the audience can hear, it is called soliloquy. The fourth wall is a hypothetical barrier between the actors and the audience. This barrier is broken when an actor interacts with the audience through an aside.
When the actor is facing the audience and can be seen all times onwards by the audience.
Performer/Audience Relationship (or the Actor/Audience Relationship,)