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Q: What is a person who rules with complete and absolute power?
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Person who rules with complete and absolute power?


A person who rules with absolute power is called a?

A dictator.

Is there an adjective for the word tyrant?

A tyrant is a person who rules with absolute power. The adjective is tyrannical.

What do you call a person with complete power who rules in a cruel manner?

A despot.

What is the difference between tranny and dictatorship?

One is a person who rules with absolute power. The other is a derogitory term for a transgendered person. I think you are thinking of tyranny. Tyranny usually refers to absolute power itself.

What is meant by the term despotism?

A cruel ruler who holds absolute power. a ruler who uses their power voiently to get what they want. they might have secert spies.

What type of government did the Spanish colonies have?

They had an Absolute Despotism. This is when one called the "despot" rules with absolute power.

How is a absolute monarch's power limited?

An absolute monarchÃ?s power is only limited by the size of the land they are governing. Unless a monarch rules over the entire planet, their power is still not truly absolute.

What kind of government is created when one person seizes power and rules alone?

It is a type of dictatorship, an authoritarian form similar to the absolute monarchies of old.

What are the 3 characteristics of absolute monarchs?

1. In an absolute monarchy only the people selected by the ruler are allowed to participate in the government. 2. In an absolute monarchy one person, the ruler, has the power to make decisions. 3. Majority rules does not exist in an absolute monarchy. Minority rule and one-person rule exist in an absolute monarchy. (I COPIED THIS FROM MY TEXTBOOK)

Someone who rules with complete power?


What is a rules with complete power called?
