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Melody Is A Combination Of Pitch And Rhythm ....

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Q: What is a pentatonic melody?
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Do pentatonic scales only use black notes?

That is a misconception. Just as you can have a major scale that starts on any of the 12 tones, you can have pentatonic scales starting on any tone as well. It is the spacing and the number of notes that make a scale pentatonic. Incidentally, you can have a pentatonic melody with standard (non-pentatonic) harmonies accompanying it.

What does pentonic mean in music?

Pentatonic music is music written on a pentatonic scale. If you look on a piano keyboard and find a set of 2 black keys and a set of 3 black keys next to each other, that makes a pentatonic scale. Many hymns and a lot of American folk tunes use a pentatonic scale, some good examples are "Amazing Grace", "Jesus Loves Me", "Mary Had a Little Lamb", "Old MacDonald". The main theme of the second movement of Dvorak's "New World Symphony" is also a pentatonic melody. It is possible to play any pentatonic melody on just the black keys of a piano.

What are facts about the pentatonic scale?

Pentatonic music is based off the pentatonic scale, which unlike your everyday 7-pitch octave, it contains 5 pitches. Pentatonic music is very common worldwide in traditional and folk music. Hope that helped :) If you need anything more specific, shoot.

How do you identify pentatonic scales?

Pentatonic scales have only five distinct notes - do, re, mi, so, and la (or the tonic, supertonic, mediant, dominant, and submediant). In written music it can be easily identified by the lack of the fa and ti (subdominant and leading tone). When listening to music, the pentatonic scale has a very distinct sound which can be heard by playing the scale up and down. One way to get a feel for the scale is to play a piece with only the black notes on the piano. This forces the melody into a pentatonic scale.

What is an anhemitonic pentatonic scale?

An anhemitonic pentatonic scale is a pentatonic scale which contains no semitonal steps.

What is diatonic scale and pentatonic?

a scale that is diatonic and pentatonic

The oldest playable instruments discovered in china were tuned to the?

Pentatonic scale

How is the pentatonic scale formed?

The pentatonic scale is formed by the 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 degrees from a major scale. For example, a C pentatonic has the notes C, D, E, G and A.

Does the pentatonic scale have 7 pitches per octave in its musical scale?

Yes, it does! No, a pentatonic scale has five notes.

Where is the E minor pentatonic scale?

The notes for E minor pentatonic are E, G, A, B, and D. All naturals!

How old is the Chinese pentatonic scale?

The Chinese pentatonic scale I believe is roughly three or four thousand years old.