Reprise meaning to repeat a previous part of a composition generally after other music has been played.
Da Capo (D.C.) In sheet music this is an instruction to repeat the beginning of the piece before stopping on the final chord.
Dal segno al Fine is a musical term meaning Repeat from the sign. Then end at the word Fine. SO repeat from Coda
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
The musical term for "Soft and Sweet" is Dolce.
If you mean to play again you might want repeat.
Dal segno al Fine is a musical term meaning Repeat from the sign. Then end at the word Fine. SO repeat from Coda
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
Note is a musical term. It is a sign representing the duration and pitch of a musical sound.
I would suppose 'ostinato' or, repeat
That's not a musical term.
the musical term for a high female voice is soprano
The musical term that describes the loudness or softness of a sound is dynamics.
The musical term "chord" is spelled c-h-o-r-d.
Musical numbers is just another term for song.
binary form