Jawan Harris
It is called "pitch."
a male singer is called 'un chanteur' in French.
Because He/She SINGS a song not Songs a song.... So Singer.
hi , i am a local singer and always keep checking out for new songs . The song kaise mujhe tum..... is the finest song i am listening these days . the pitch of the song is so high that not a singer of ordinary caliber can sing it properly. any way the answer of your question is the singer of the song is benny dayal . i don't know much about him but still he must be good singer and that's why the choice of a r rahman . you can contact me on twiintower@yahoo.co.UK
The category the singer would be in is called Soprano.
The name of a high pitch is called a squeak.
A singer that can sing well but can't pitch high may only be able to sing in a lower range. This is common for many male singers, especially after they have hit puberty.
Pitch is the frequency of Sound vibrations and amplitude is the maximum amount of vibration.A ship horn is low pitch while an opera singer's voice is high pitchAmplitude is basically volume
Nightcore is a style of techno/trance/dance song that tempo and pitch have been raised, so not a singer.
It is called pitch.
Vitas is a Russian singer and he is an extremely talented singer. He said that he trains a lot and tries to sing perfectly. He is a "countertenor", a male that can sing with a voice at contralto, or higher. (That is, mezzo-soprano and soprano.) Many say he uses falsetto, as many other singers, to achieve this high pitch. However, his pitch is equivalent to that of a female's "whistle" - the highest vocal register - or simply, very, very high. A good example of this high pitch is his "Opera #2".
It is called falsetto. That is cause it is not the normal singing voice.
it depends on how loud the pitch is some pitches are not harmful but they are so high we can hear them i think these type of sounds at a pitch very high are called infrared sound?
I think you mean its frequency, which is commonly described as its pitch