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A commercial example of circular reasoning can be found in an office. When a worker thinks that some upper management personnel is innocent in regards to unethical things just because they are related to the business owner, they have a bunch of degrees to their name or they have some other accomplishments, they have used circular reasoning.

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Q: What is a commercial example of a circular reasoning?
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Why is geologic column an example of circular reasoning?

The geologic column is considered an example of circular reasoning because the ages of the rock layers are primarily determined by the fossils they contain, and the ages of the fossils are determined by the rock layers they are found in. This creates a circular argument where the age of the rocks is used to date the fossils, and the age of the fossils is used to date the rocks.

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What are some examples of circular reasoning?


What is fallacy circular reasoning?

Circular reasoning, also known as begging the question, is a logical fallacy where the conclusion of an argument is essentially the same as the premise. This creates a situation where no evidence is provided to support the conclusion, as the conclusion is assumed to be true from the beginning. It is a weak form of reasoning as it fails to provide any new information or evidence to support the point being made.

Is the reasoning of psychiatrists circular?

The reasoning of psychiatrists is based on scientific theories, observations, and evidence rather than circular reasoning. Psychiatrists use diagnostic criteria, patient history, and evaluations to form an understanding of mental health conditions and provide appropriate treatment.

Is Cicular a noun?

There is no word 'cicular' in English.If you mean 'circular', the word is both a noun and an adjective.The noun 'circular' is a singular, common, conctete noun; a word for a letter or advertisement distributed to a large number of people. Example:The circular says that the new concert hall will be open by the holiday.The adjective 'circular' describes a noun as having the form of a circle; a route or an idea that forms a circle; for example circular reasoning or a circular journey.

Is the fan an example of circular motion?

Yes, a fan is an example of circular motion as its blades rotate around a central axis creating a circular movement of air.

What is the brain teaser that has the word library listed twice in a circle?

Circular reasoning or study circle

What reasoning is also called begging the question?

Circular reasoning, or begging the question, is a fallacy where the conclusion is assumed in the premises. This means that the argument is not properly supporting the conclusion, and is essentially repeating the same idea in different words without providing evidence or support.

What is Circular Reasoning Give example?

This is carbon 14 dating circular reasoning, "How do you know that it is a 5 million year old fossil?" "Because it is in a 5 million year old rock". And they defend the age of the rock with that of the fossil. Rinse, repeat, and condition. Mr. A. "Do you believe in god?" Mr. B. "YES" Mr. A. "Why do you believe in god?" Mr. B. Because it is written in the Bible. Mr. A. "Why do you believe the Bible?" Mr. B. "Because the Bible is the word of god"Here is another real example posted in a forum by a Creationist. If you think that the Bible is fake, a story, a allegory, or anything but the truth, then you're calling God a liar.

What type is reasoning is used in this example The air is dry in deserts?

deductive reasoning

What type of reasoning is used in this example the air dry deserts?

deductive reasoning