collazzi paintings are very rare making them extremly valuable, unfortunatly it is also very common conterfeit peices, a legitamate peice would be worth around to $125,000
I hav an origional painting by her with her signature is it worth anything
The Torn Hat painting by Thomas Sully is found in a huge variety of print forms. An old framed print of this painting could be worth about 10 dollars or as much as about 20 dollars depending on the condition.
There are a few artists names David Teniers. There is David Teniers the younger and David Teniers the elder. To find the value of the painting take the painting an antique dealer or an appraiser.
what is mangling painting?
I have an old painting by v de paredes a very old piece with George Washington in it any idea of what it would sell for
Most of his landscapes sell for around $850 - $1200. Fantasy painting and Christmas are in high demand depending on size. A large Christmas or snow painting can sell for upwards of $1200 to about $2000.00 depending on condition. Always signed on the lower Left. Fantasy paingings can bring Thousands.
E. J. Collazzi has written: 'Reconnaissance of surface-water resources in the Houston area, Alaska, 1985-86' -- subject(s): Water-supply
is a painting by cavalla worth anything
landscape with fishermen
I have in my posetion a painting by keynaldo itis a painting of a spanish soldier can someone please tell me what its worth
This painting is worth $15-$30.
what is a small oil painting by S.Manila worth
The value of a Robad oil painting will depend on which painting it is. I recommend taking the painting to a local art dealer so they can inspect the painting and see how much it is worth.
The painting is currently worth anywhere from $9-50K.
yes a sighed w brown painting is worth $23000.
erm well good artists are worth alot so would the painting :D
The Lee Reynolds painting is worth between 185 and 740 pounds.