we also have an A. sariano painting but are unable to find out anything about the artist. Ours is a fairly large painting and we paid $75 for it.
actual oil paintings I have seen can go from 3500 (small) to 15000 (large), lithographs and serigraphs 200 - 500
I just bought one for &20.00 from an individual. It is very large and I am sure it is worth much more than I paid. It is in excellent shape. It was worth for me and I want to share my source where I just purchase this precious painting. You can also purchase some amazing paintings from here specially oil paintings.
how much is this oil painting worth
we have a 16 x 20 sign oil painting of the old mill what is it worth in todays market?
we also have an A. sariano painting but are unable to find out anything about the artist. Ours is a fairly large painting and we paid $75 for it.
Hello ...I have a large matador painting myself I was wondering If you had any luck with finding out the value of yours... Thank You, God bless
It all depends. A small drawing is not worth as much as a large oil painting.
actual oil paintings I have seen can go from 3500 (small) to 15000 (large), lithographs and serigraphs 200 - 500
I just bought one for &20.00 from an individual. It is very large and I am sure it is worth much more than I paid. It is in excellent shape. It was worth for me and I want to share my source where I just purchase this precious painting. You can also purchase some amazing paintings from here specially oil paintings.
how much is this oil painting worth
Cesar Buenaventura is a landscape impressionist that hailed from Tondo, Manila in the Philippines. His largest painting is 'The Roman Times', an oil on canvas artwork with a size of 35' x 83'.
we have a 16 x 20 sign oil painting of the old mill what is it worth in todays market?
prince lambert on canvas
The value of a Robad oil painting will depend on which painting it is. I recommend taking the painting to a local art dealer so they can inspect the painting and see how much it is worth.
Naturally every painting has a different value. It depends on size, style etc. Oil painting for example is in general worth more than a watercolour painting, large painting will be worth more than a small painting etc. You can try to establish a price by looking at John Duffin's official Web site featuring almost all of his work, with desciptions of the paintings and drawings. Many of them have prices http://www.johnduffin.co.uk/