The noun 'bunch' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a number of things of the same kind, often fastened together; a word for a thing.The noun 'bunch' is a standard collective noun for:a bunch of bananasa bunch of deera bunch of ducks (on water)a bunch of flowersa bunch of grapesa bunch of keysa bunch of sealsa bunch of waterfowla bunch of wigeona bunch of wildfowla bunch of wormsThe word 'bunch' is also a verb: bunch, bunches, bunching, bunched.
A goose just cackles about and gets eaten at Christmas or in a pie.
Granny Goose, the hero: 'You won't believe this, but my name is Granny Goose" Bad guy: "What's in the bag, Goose?" Granny Goose explains potato chips, bad guy tastes one followed by (not sure of order of who says which line) discussion of chip's attributes "Interesting" "Provocative" "Well seasoned"
When the day is good and the wind is dry and the goose is flying high, I can't work like other men do when the goose is hanging high When the sun is bright in the big blue sky and the goose is hanging high, the devil steals my heart away when the goose is hanging high. Gold and silver on my mind, mischief in my soul, I want to live like rich men live and take my life in control. When the day is bad and the wind is wet and the goose is flying low, I gotta work like other men do when the goose is flying low, is good and the wind is dry and the goose is flying high, I can't work like other men do when the goose is hanging high! When the goose is hanging high!
The character of Goose's wife in Top Gun(1986) is called Carole, and was played by Meg Ryan.
it very well could be exima or goose bumps i am pritty sure
a goose because a goose flies for the whole time when it is migrating when a caribou just takes it's time and goes very slow and it seems like it is doing a whole bunch of work but it really is doing very little work
The singular possessive for "goose" is "goose's."
"Goose" in French is "oie."
A male goose is called a gander, a female is called a goose, and a baby goose is called a gosling.
goose goose goose goose
A goose is a large honking bird.
There are a number of geese species that are found in Portugal. These include the bean goose, the pink-footed goose, the white-fronted goose, the greylag goose, the snow goose, as well as the Brent goose.
"Gander" is the term for the male goose. The female goose is called a goose, or a hen.
'Goose' is the female form of this type of bird. The make form is 'Gander'.