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The noun 'bunch' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a number of things of the same kind, often fastened together; a word for a thing.

The noun 'bunch' is a standard collective noun for:

  • a bunch of bananas
  • a bunch of deer
  • a bunch of ducks (on water)
  • a bunch of flowers
  • a bunch of grapes
  • a bunch of keys
  • a bunch of seals
  • a bunch of waterfowl
  • a bunch of wigeon
  • a bunch of wildfowl
  • a bunch of worms

The word 'bunch' is also a verb: bunch, bunches, bunching, bunched.

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group, set, lot, mixture, collection

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Q: What are synonyms for a bunch?
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What are synonyms of bunch?

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What are synonyms for batch?

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Posy bunch of flowers, spray, garland, wreath, buttonhole, corsage, nosegay, aroma, smell, scent, perfume, fragrance, odour, redolence

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There are many synonyms for the word "deplete". And here is a whole bunch of them: Empty, extinguish, use up, reach zero, out of stock, finish and even more. But those should get anyone through an essay or work paper. If not, get a thesaurus from Amazon.

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Clustered is a word that means to be together or situated into a group. Some synonyms of the word are bunched, group, bunch, flock, or clump. Clustered together refers to a group of something.

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# tuft. shred. snippet. bunch. tatter. strip. clutch. clump. # trace. streak. touch. shade. hint. bit. film jot. speck. iota. whit.

Is quick and speedy are a synonyms antonyms or homophones?

They are synonyms.

What is the collective noun for a bunch?

The noun 'bunch' is standard collective noun for:a bunch of bananasa bunch of deera bunch of ducks (on water)a bunch of flowersa bunch of grapesa bunch of keysa bunch of sealsa bunch of waterfowla bunch of wigeona bunch of wildfowla bunch of worms

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Is a bunch a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'bunch' is a standard collective noun for:a bunch of bananasa bunch of deera bunch of ducks (on water)a bunch of flowersa bunch of grapesa bunch of keysa bunch of sealsa bunch of waterfowla bunch of wigeona bunch of wildfowla bunch of worms