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Q: What is a brisk movement in music 7?
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Is allegro Music with brisk movement?

Yes, a passage or composition of music performed quickly and in a brisk, lively manner is called allegro.

What musical movement is brisk and lively?

Con moto

What does alegro mean in music terminology?

cheerful or brisk; but commonly interpreted as lively, fast

What is the music from The Fall the movie trailer?

The music is actually the second movement Allegretto from Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A Major.

What does allegro mean in music?

fairly fast.

What is the opposite of slow starting with br?

The opposite of slow starting with "br" is "brisk." Brisk is defined as quick and energetic in action or movement. It is a term often used to describe a fast pace or speed.

Does allegro mean fast in music?

Allegro means cheerful Italian, but musically it means speedy.

Is brisk an adverb?

No, the word brisk is not an adverb.The word brisk is a verb and an adjective.The adverb form of the word "brisk" is briskly.

What music was playing during Oscars 2011 best picture nominees presentation?

Beethoven Symphony #7, Movement 2

What is tea number 7 in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

7 Dream Spice Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Dream Fluff Mild- Peppercherry. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising Dream Fluff Mild = Relaxing Peppercherry Spicy = Uplifting.

What is a sentence using the word brisk?

I hope you are able to enjoy a brisk recovery from your experience. Grab your windbreaker; it's rather brisk out there. The horn section interjected a brisk tempo to the otherwise slow tune.

How do you make each tea no 7 in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

7 Dream Spice Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Dream Fluff Mild- Peppercherry. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising - Dream Fluff Mild = Relaxing - Peppercherry Spicy = Uplifting.