4 Privet DriveLittle WhingingSurrey#4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, the county of Surrey.
He used a device of his own invention called a deluminater.
The streets near Hogwarts are never actually named, mostly because they don't exist and Hogwarts is supposed to be hidden. You're probably talking about the village next to Hogwarts, this is called Hogsmeade.
Privet Drive
It's The Beastie Boys.
A boys middle part is called a pence
If your a guy you put your hand on your privet parts and move it back and fourth. If your a girl you put yourhand in your privet part and move it in and out in a smooth motion.
I think there is a flower called a privet rose. -- another answer -- Privet is a shrub of the olive family, with small white, heavily scented flowers and poisonous black berries. • Genus Ligustrum, family Oleaceae: several species, in particular the semievergreen common privet ( L. vulgare), are often grown as a hedge.
reforms:citizens required to educate their sons , boys had to attend privet schools,had to study:writing,mathematics,and music
Urethra (yer-ee-th-ra)
A privet leaf is a narrow, oval-shaped leaf with a smooth texture. It is typically dark green in color and can be found on privet hedges and shrubs.
Could you explain what you mean by 'privet'?
he he he dangly! i don't know! gross!he he he
privet dorogoy, or if you are saying it to a girl: privet dorogaya
There is no specific breed of cat called a "privet cat." It is possible there may have been a misunderstanding or a misspelling. If you provide more context or details, I may be able to help clarify further.
They go to a private school in Washington D.C. called Argentina