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She has light brown eyes.

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Q: What is Sharon osbournes favorite color?
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What is Sharon's favorite color?

If you've read the book Heartbeat that should tell you the answer the color is on the cover but I will tell you her favorite color is Yellow.

What is Sharon osbournes reality tv show called?

Rock of Love Girls: Charm School Also she used to have a TV show called The Sharon Osbourne Show.

What is Sharon Creechs favorite color?

Well, honey, I don't have Sharon Creech's number on speed dial, but if I had to take a wild guess, I'd say her favorite color is probably not plaid. But hey, who knows, maybe she's a fan of a good old-fashioned neon green.

Does Ozzy osbournes have any pets?

Ozzy and Sharon have 11 dogs and a couple of cats as well. They are avid animal lovers

Did Sharon and Ozzy renew their vows?

Yes, New Years Eve of 2002, seen in the 11th episode of the second season of The Osbournes.

Is Ozzy osbournes divorced?

Yes, Ozzy Osbourne is divorced. He is currently re-married to Sharon Osbourne, however.

Who did Ozzy osbournes marry?

Ozzy Osbourne married to Thelma Riley in 1971 Ozzy Osbourne married to Sharon Levy in 4 July 1982

What color are Sharon Adel's eyes?

By looking at Photos of Sharon Adel.....I would say her eye color is dark brown.

What is Ozzy osbournes phone number?

Sharon Osbourne: 310-859-7761, then talk to Ozzy

What is Sharon's favorite food?

Hot Dogs

What is Sharon osbourne's favorite food?
