I think his greatest creation was the playwright of Romeo and Juliet.
Because the front part of the stage, the proscenium, would 'thrust' out from the stage proper and into the audience space.
well i cant tell u what kind of art it is if there isn't any art for me to see.
He counts his family as his greatest blessing.
The greatest love of all, is easy to achieve, learning to love your self, it is the greatest love of all.
Betty Boop is an American [creation] .
It is a line from William Shakespeares Hamlet. Most of William Shakespeares plays are still famous now as he is regarded as the greatest writer in the English Language.
romeo and juliett romeo and juliett
Mickey Mouse is the greatest creation of Walt Disney, and the most known.
Christ Jesus is the highest creation of God.
the creation of factions
The creation of the "Firebird Suite".
He had considerable success on the battlefield but his greatest achievement was the creation of the Napoleonic Code.
One reason for considering human beings as God's greatest Creation miracle is that we are the only part of Creation that is sentient (i.e., self aware) and therefore, among other things, capable of worshipping God.
Urban Living
can someone answer