Itachi was born June 9, 1987. This would make his zodiac star sign Gemini (May 22 - June 21).
Sasuke Uchiha's zodiac sign is Leo. He was born on July 23.
His zodiac sign would be Leo, since he was born on July 23rd.
No. The Uchihas are fire types.But Sasuke is a lightning (thanks to Kakashi's chidori) and a fire type ( because of the Uchiha clan).
her zodiac sign is Capricorn
her zodiac sign is Capricorn
No zodiac sign can be considered to be the best zodiac sign, they all have their strengths and weaknesses.
Aries is the zodiac sign for benvolio
Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.
her zodiac sign is Capricorn
Miranda cosgrove's zodiac sign is tauros
He doesnt have one.
No, Libra is an air sign.