St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television.
aug 5
The patron saint of television and television writers are Clare of Assisi, Gabriel the Archangel and Martin de Porres.
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television. Whe she was on her death bed and unable to attend Mass in the convent chapel, she said she was able to watch and hear the Mass on the wall of her room.
Saint Clare of Assisi was born on July 16, 1194, at Assisi, Italy.
St. Clare's relics are in Assisi. Saint Clare, herself, is in heaven.
Saint Clare's complete name is Saint Clare of Assisi.
Saint Clare's full name is Saint Clare of Assisi. She was an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Saint Agnes of Assisi was the younger sister of Saint Clare of Assisi.
Saint Clare of Assisi is from the town of Assisi, Umbria, Italy.
Saint Clare had two sisters, Agnes and Beatrice.
Her tomb is at the Basilica of Saint Clare at Assisi, Italy.
No. She is an Italian Saint. She was a disciple of St. Francis of Assisi.
Saint Clare of Assisi was Italian. She was born in Assisi, Italy in 1194 and spent most of her life there as a devout follower of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Saint Clare of Assisi was born Chiara Offreduccio.
Ciara is Italian for Clare. Yes, there is a saint named Clare or Ciara.