The patron saint of television and television writers are Clare of Assisi, Gabriel the Archangel and Martin de Porres.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television.
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television. Whe she was on her death bed and unable to attend Mass in the convent chapel, she said she was able to watch and hear the Mass on the wall of her room.
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
When St. Clare was near death and could not leave her bed to attend Mass, Our Lord projected the Mass on her wall so she could follow it - much like we might watch TV in bed but there were no televisions at the time.
Saint Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television and television writers.
The Patron Saint of Liars - 1998 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Germany:12
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television. Whe she was on her death bed and unable to attend Mass in the convent chapel, she said she was able to watch and hear the Mass on the wall of her room.
Definently Gabriel the archangel. He is the patron of telecommunications meaning any kind of communications involving the media (radio, tv, internet, etc.) and non media like letters and newspaper, telegraphs, etc. In brief, any kind of communication device you can think of like your telephone,
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
The patron saint of comedy is St. Genesius of Rome. He made his carrier making fun of Christian Baptisms. During one performance for Emperor Diocletian, he was converted right on stage because of a vision form God. Some time afterward he was tortured and killed by the Emperor when Genesius refused to renounce his faith.
St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of: against eye disease Assisi, Italy embroiderers eyes for good weather gilders gold workers goldsmiths laundry workers needle workers Santa Clara Indian Pueblo telegraphs telephones television television writers
The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.
A patron saint is supposed to be a protector in the Catholic religion. Patron Saint Angelico is the patron saint of artists. A patron saint is a protector of life.