Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Her favorite color is black.
his favorite color is green
His favorite color is blue.
The population of Ackermans is 3,622.
Ackermans was created in 1916.
Steak and potatoes was Walter Payton's favorite food.
Stan Ackermans died in 1995.
Stan Ackermans was born in 1936.
Depending on his mood, Peyton's eye color varies with the mood he's in. Good mood, they are a bright blue like the sky... if he's anything else... frustrated, irritated, mad, etc, they are a dark blue.
payton manning
Walter Payton's hobbies include fishing, hunting, of course football, and basketball. Walter Payton's hobbies include fishing, hunting, of course football, and basketball.
He did not have a favorite color.
red is her favorite color red is her favorite color