when is franki Jonas birthday when is franki Jonas birthday when is franki Jonas birthday
Mike's birthday is: February 18, 1989 Christina's birthday is: August 12, 1990 Katherine's birthday is: March 4, 1992 Lisa's birthday is: September 19, 1993 Amy's birthday is: July 1, 1995 Alex's birthday is: August 30, 1996 Lauren's birthday is: August 12, 1998 Dani's birthday is: June 15, 2000 Christians birthday is: February 18, 2002 Nick's birthday is: September 19, 2003 Joey's birthday is: February 19, 2005
His birthday is May 26th.
Her birthday is Nowember 15
At a birthday, most people have a birthday cake, birthday presents, and all the birthday person's loved ones there.
Parthiv Shah was born in 1962.
Parthiv Gohil was born on 1976-02-18.
Parthiv Patel was born on March 9, 1985.
Parthiv Patel is 26 years old (birthdate: March 9, 1985).
As the name indicates, Patels. There are Muslim Patels (converts from Hinduism) and Hindu Patels. Patel means a village chief.
Parthiv Patel
Patels usually come under the cast khstriya. They are decedents of lord ramas sons Luv and kush.
The cast of Meet the Patels - 2014 includes: Ravi Patel as himself Meredith Philpott as herself
he come form the prominent caste of gujrat. He is a KURMI.
Oh, isn't that a lovely question! While I don't have the exact number of Patels in the US, I can tell you that the Patel community is a vibrant and wonderful part of our diverse country. Each Patel brings their own unique colors to the beautiful tapestry of America, just like how each brushstroke adds depth to a painting. Keep embracing the beauty of diversity around you, my friend.
RJP= Rahul J Patels FIRST GF