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Light yellow

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Lily Zezula

Lvl 2
4y ago
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India Fergusson

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Quinn Trebil

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Sunniva Jelsing

Lvl 1
3y ago
Her favorite color is green for sure
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Alice Winter

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3y ago

I think her favourite colour is orange or blue because her dress is orange when she dances with her father and blue because of her outfit.

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Her favorite color is green because of her personality

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Millie Hewitt

Lvl 2
4y ago

violet or baby blue

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Aubrianna Gray

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Light purple

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Luke Barton

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Light Purple

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Q: What is Luna lovegoods favorite color?
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no. he doesn't die

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What is Luna lovegoods phone number?

She doesn't have a phone, she's a witch.

What are Luna lovegoods glasses for?

They are Spectrespecs, used to see 'wrackspurts', which according to Luna are creatures that float in through your ears and make your brian go fuzzy.

What is Luna Lovegoods fannmail address?

If you have a post-owl, it will deliver her your letter without an address. Otherwise you have asked the wrong question.

Who lives nearest to the Weasley's home?

the Lovegoods live nearest to the Weasleys. Luna and Xenophelius live in a house that is shaped like a chess rook.

When is Luna lovegoods birthday?

Her exact birthday is unknown but she was born between September of 1980 and August 1981.

Does Draco like Luna in Harry Potter?

It is very unlikely that any Malfoy would be attracted to someone outside Slytherin, and certainly not to as eccentric a family as the Lovegoods. Pureblood is an extremely important concept to Draco, he is probably unable to even notice that Luna is a girl.

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He did not have a favorite color.

What do you think my favorite charecter is?

Luna Lovegood! :3

What kind of plums are outside Luna lovegoods house in Harry Potter?

The third hand-painted sign tacked to a broken-down gate read, "KEEP OFF THE DIRIGIBLE PLUMS." This was outside of the Lovegoods' house that Ron remarked, "...[L]ooks like a giant [chess] rook!"This information can be found in Chapter Twenty Xenophilius Lovegood, page 398 in Scholastic Edition ofi arry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.

What is Cher's favorite color?

red is her favorite color red is her favorite color