

Best Answer

lol it's apple pie
Apple pie he loves it!

His Favorite Pie Is Apple.
He likes cherry pie and pumpkin but apple is his favorite
apple. He said that in an interview
apple pie
apple pie :) if you want to know everything about JB then download the 'Justin Bieber fun facts' app on your iphone or iPod touch. It has really good information on it. Oh and Google him and follow him on twitter and buy all the mags he is in. sorry im getting a bit carried away i am a HUGE belieber.
Justin bieber favorite pie is pumpkin pie.

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12y ago
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10y ago

his fav is pineapple and pepperoni

his favorite topping is pepperoni =D

Hawaiian! he said it in one of his interviews.

cheese and pepperoni


tomatos and salomi

it pepperoni

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7y ago

hes sweet as chocolate so his favorite kind of cake is chocolate
I dont know but his favorite chocolate bar is Caramilk
he hates chocolate, so probaly anything besides chocolate
everybody is wrong its not chocolate its pistachio cake

The right answer is actually vanilla
puke cherry cake

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11y ago

chocolate. He said in one of his interviews he adored chocolate and he couldn't live without it.

HAHAA,that's SO not true,he REALLY HATES chocolate,its blueberry

Justin Beiber's favorite flavor of cheesecake is cherry. he's sooooooooooo awesome

^ thats wrong^ the first answer was right he said it on an interview with jimmi falone

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13y ago

his fav pie is black berrypie and Justin said in a intervew that he was single and he is lol and is not in love with Selena Gomez

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11y ago

He has never stated a preference.

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15y ago

pumpkin pie

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Q: What is Justin Bieber's favourite kind of pie?
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