Height 5ft11 Weight 190lbs
Weight;60 ,Height;5.6
100 kg-height-168cm
Height: 5' 2" (1.57 M)She is not even 5'.
he is 6'0", and 160 lbs
It's 6'6 (195 cm) His weights is 215 lbs
There can be no specific weight for a 23-year-old woman in Jordan because weight is related to height and body composition rather than than age. There is, however, an average height for women that is related to nationality. For more information about the height of women worldwide, and to learn about body fat percentage in relation to height, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
You can not change your height as per your weight. You have to change your weight as per your height.
height is BY FOOT and weight is BY KGS
It all depends on the weight in kilograms and height in metres. Weight (KG) / (Height (M) * Height (M)) To Simplify, Square your height first (Height (M)) x 2 = Answer Then Divide your weight, by your height Weight (KG) / (Height Answer) [The answer from the previous step]
Height : 5'5 weight : 121
Height: 5'4" Weight: ???
Height: 6'2" Weight: 250lbs
height 5.3 weight 55
Height is to inches as weight is to pounds.
6 foot 2 inches.
There is no weight ratio for height. The weight of an object depends on its the volume and density. The volume depends on the height as well as the average cross section so height, alone, cannot determine weight.