John Woo was born on May 1, 1946.
John Evan was born on March 28, 1948.
John Chivington was born on January 27, 1821.
Remus John Lupin was born on March 10th, 1960.
December 24, 1999
Gods are not in our chronology.
No, it is Jesus's birthday. [Although there is no proof, years later there will be no proof that your birthday was when it is......]
a gods birthday is never credited because it is not important information.
The birthday cake originated in Greece as a yearly sacrifice to the gods.
john travoltas birthday is feb 18th
John Cena's birthday is April 23.
The ancient Greeks believed that gods have been around since the beginning of time, and also Greek gods don't exist, so Ares did not have a birthday.
Gods don't have birthdays
John Terrys Birthday is the 7th December. He was born in 1980
If you are talking about John Cena, his birthday is April 23rd, 1977.
John L. Bennett's birthday was 1/2/13
In Greek mythology, Zeus is considered to be immortal and does not have a specific birthday. He is one of the Twelve Olympian gods and is known as the king of the gods.