No, it is Jesus's birthday. [Although there is no proof, years later there will be no proof that your birthday was when it is......]
It is Gods son birthday
Because that's when he was born.. Christians celebrate Christmas as being the birthday of Jesus, whom they believe was the Son of God. Historically, the date has been set as 25th December. Search Google for more info.
people give treats and presents as you asked because its a time to celebraite gods birthday/death i forgot which one
if you have the money birthday or if money i OS tight Christmas
No, because the birthday of Jesus isn't close to Christmas. The birthday of Jesus is Christmas! Christmas was (and still is for some people) the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
your birthday buddies with jesus
Well I would drop HINTS about what you would like for Christmas or your birthday.
Gods are not in our chronology.
Christs' birthday
It is on Christmas
It is on christmas