Traffic was jammed in both directions.I jammed my toe.She jammed her finger when she fell.
The duration of The Jammed is 1.48 hours.
it means that its pur hole is jammed it means that its pur hole is jammed it means that its pur hole is jammed it means that its pur hole is jammed
The word jammed has one syllable.
Jammed was created in 2004.
Jammed Lovely Stakes was created in 1981.
Log Jammed was created on 1959-04-20.
Jim Morrison and Van Morrison's "Them" played two songs in an impromptu set on Hollywood Blvd at either the London Fog or the Wiskie A Go-Go. They did NOT tour together, and there are no known recordings of "Gloria" or the other song they jammed together on.
how do you fix a front lode washer that is jammed
The Jammed - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA
According to the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of jammed items.
jammed. [[: or jamming. 'was jamming' / 'is jamming'. either or.