Hermione Gingold died on May 24, 1987, in New York City, New York, USA of cardiac problems & pneumonia.
The exact birth dates of each character aren't all known, but Hermione Granger's birthday is in September.
Hermione's birthday is on the 19th of September, and the Hogwarts school year starts on the 1st of September. A person enters hogwarts when they are eleven years old, so Hermione was just barely too young to enter school the year before Ron and Harry left.
Hermione Granger is Harry's very smart friend. She often checks his homework! LOL
Hermione Jean Granger
Hermione Cockburn was born in 1973.
Hermione Gingold was born on December 9, 1897.
Hermione Baddeley was born on November 13, 1906.
Her birthday is September 19.
19th September 1979.
September 1980
19th September 1979.
A book from hermione,a sneakoscope from ron,and the monster book of monsters from hagrid.
Hermione was 14 years old (for the bigger part of the story), because her birthday is in September.
Hermione Granger was born in September 19 1979 as the oldest member in the golden trio making Harry the youngest. Even thought Hermione is older her children are possibly younger.
Hermione was born a year before Harry and Ron but because her birthday was after September the first she still started with them so Hermione was twelve during most of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (#1). She was also twelve at the start of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (#2)
The exact birth dates of each character aren't all known, but Hermione Granger's birthday is in September.
Hermione Granger, one of the main protagonists in the Harry Potter series, was supposedly born on the 19th of September in 1979.