No if he does it has not been mentioned in the books. Unless it is in a future book such as Midnight Sun. If you are reading this answer after more books are published: right now there is only Twilight New Moon Eclipse and Breaking Dawn
it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice
Not Emmett, but the actor who plays him, Kellan Lutz, his birthday is. The exact date of Emmett's birth was not told but we do know he was born in 1915.
Emmett Cullen's real last name is McCarty
Rosalie is the first name she says. Then Emmett.
At the beginning of the series, there are 7 Cullens: Dr. Carlisle Esme Emmett Jasper Rosalie Alice and Edward
Grizzly Bear
In the Twilight series, Emmett Cullen's favorite color is not explicitly mentioned.
Emmett Cullens real name is Kellan Lutz. Hope this helps! Good luck on finding other names!
Emmett's Full Name Is > Emmett Mcathy Cullen..x
Edwards favorite person is Alice. he always states that there close and have a deep bond while Emmett is his favorite brother. they all are reasonibly close as a family.
Emmett's old last name was Mc carty
Emmet's full name is Emmet Cullen, but he was born as Emmett McCarty.
Emmett can't eat. He's a vampire.
See related link.
Rosalie, Carslile, Emmett and Esme.
kellan lutz