Pink, or Blue
Dove Cameron's favourite colour is white and blue.
Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Her favorite color is black.
his favorite color is green
dove Cameron's favourite animal is a cat, her cat's name is veronica
The site doesn’t give personal information.
Dove Cameron's favourite colour is white and blue.
The sacred animal that symbolizes Aphrodite is the dove. Because she is the Greek Goddess of love and beauty, and the dove symbolizes love, that was made her sacred or "favorite" animal.
dove guitar
Not a dove.
Not a dove.
He did not have a favorite color.
red is her favorite color red is her favorite color
nah its a cow.
The Camerons - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G UK:U