I wish I knew but we have to learn how to stay out peoples.bussiness.
Devon Pollard's birth name is Devon Trevor Pollard.
Devon Werkheiser's birth name is Devon Joseph Werkheiser.
yes lania went out with Devon and she loved him no matter what happened and she still loves Devon
According to Wikipedia, Noel Edmonds has a £1.7m manor house in Devon, England and another £3m home in Magagnosc, France.
An official fan mail address for Devon Hughes is not known at this time.
Murrays Bay's population is 4,581.
The web address of the Jenkins Arboretum is: http://www.jenkinsarboretum.org
Stone Manners Agency 8436 W 3rd Street Suite 740 Los Angeles, CA 90048
The address of the Jenkins Arboretum is: 631 Berwyn Baptist Rd, Devon, PA 19333-1001
It is Murrays.
The address of the Tredtffrin Historic Preservation Trust is: Po Box 764, Devon, PA 19333
Think it's Tavistock Natwest (Devon)
The web address of the Tredtffrin Historic Preservation Trust is: www.tredyffrinhistory.org
In 2008, Devon starred in Nickelodeon's first made-for-television movie "Shredderman Rules," which included his demo song "Superhero." i'm his #1 fan!!! sorry, they only say he has an apartment in L.A. and a house in the ATL (atlanta, geogia)
I don’t get it