yes lania went out with Devon and she loved him no matter what happened and she still loves Devon
Devon Pollard's birth name is Devon Trevor Pollard.
Devon Werkheiser's birth name is Devon Joseph Werkheiser.
Is Devon Franklin and Kurt Franklin brothers
where does Devon donte Campbell live in stuebenville ,Ohio
No, Devon Werkheiser is currently dating Molly McCook
yes lania an john cena go out,and he goes out with liz lania is a cutie if john cena want her i`ll take her
yes she does and she likes him a lot
The name Lania would be 'rania' in Japanese, written: ラニア
Devon Lachapelle goes by Devon.
Devon Hughes goes by Brother Devon Deadly, and Dudleyville.
yes a girl
Devon Bostick goes by Dev.
Devon Libran goes by Dev.
Devon Coull goes by Dev.
Devon Chivvis goes by Sparky.
Devon Brewster goes by Jedi.
Devon Wood goes by Chuck.