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Q: What is Bruce and Diane Dale Address?
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What are Justin bieber's grandparent's names?

Bruce and Diane Dale are Justin Bieber's grandparents.

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Bruce And Diane Dale (He Was And Is Her Step Dad)

How long have Bruce Dale and Diane Dale been married?

About 31 years, I think. Pattie's dad died when she was 3 and Bruce and Diane know each other from then on. I'm not 100% sure on the exact amount of years but it should be about 31. :)

What are Justin Biebers Grand Perants Names?

Bruce and Diane Dale (Diane remarried when Pattie was 2 b/c her biological father died.) PS: I love Justin Bieber :) haha

What is Justin bieber grandma and grandpas names?

Diane & Bruce. (-:

What is Justin Bieber garndparents name?

Bruce and Diane Dale....those are on his moms side.....his other grandma's name is Kate Bieber.not sure about the grandpa though

Is Justin biebers gran dead?

both of his grandparents are still alive...Bruce and Diane Dale....and the other pair are also...cant remember their names though

When did Bruce and Diane Dale Justin Biebers grandparents get married?

About 40 years ago, i think they are both 58 and they were 25 when they had Pattie. Hope i answered your question! TEAM BIEBER

What is Justin Biebers maternal grandmothers name?

Diane Dale

Who is Justin biebers grampa?

Bruce Dale.

Who is Justin Bieber granddad?

Bruce Dale.

Who are Justin Bieber's grandparents?

Oh, what a lovely question! I'm not quite sure who Justin Bieber's grandparents are, but I bet they are wonderful people who have had a positive impact on his life. Family is such a special gift, filled with love and support. Let's take a moment to appreciate all the grandparents out there spreading joy and kindness.