Diane Keaton's birth name is Hall, Diane.
Although Diane Keaton's birth name is Diane Hall, "Keaton" is her mother's maiden name. Michael Keaton's birth name is Michael John Douglas, and his mother's maiden name is not "Keaton," nor did he take it. So, no.
Keaton Tyndall's birth name is Keaton Nicole Tyndall.
Devin Keaton's birth name is James Devin Keaton.
Diane Roter's birth name is Danielle Roter.
Diane Keaton's birth name is Hall, Diane.
Although Diane Keaton's birth name is Diane Hall, "Keaton" is her mother's maiden name. Michael Keaton's birth name is Michael John Douglas, and his mother's maiden name is not "Keaton," nor did he take it. So, no.
Michael Keaton and Diane Keaton are not related through family ties. Michael Keaton was born with the last name Douglas, and Diane's real last name is Hall.
You didn't specify first or last name.... Diane Keaton Debbie Reynolds
Diane Keaton Diane Carroll Diane Lane Diane Kruger (German model and actress)
No. Michael Keaton's real last name is Douglas (no relation to the actual actor Michael Douglas). He adopted his last name when he realized there was another in the industry with the last name Douglas. To avoid confusion, he gave himself the surname "Keaton" after his favorite actress Diane Keaton.
Nina Banks
According to IMDB.com she has never married. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000473/bio
Keaton Tyndall's birth name is Keaton Nicole Tyndall.
Buster Keaton's birth name is Joseph Frank Keaton.
Louise Keaton's birth name is Louise Dresser Keaton.