Devin Keaton's birth name is James Devin Keaton.
Diane Keaton's birth name is Hall, Diane.
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
Although Diane Keaton's birth name is Diane Hall, "Keaton" is her mother's maiden name. Michael Keaton's birth name is Michael John Douglas, and his mother's maiden name is not "Keaton," nor did he take it. So, no.
When 'Buster' was 18 months, he fell down a flight of stairs. When reaching the bottom, he showed no sign of pain and Harry Houdini who was over at the time, remarked 'What a buster!' And so the name stuck
Keaton Tyndall is 5' 8".
Keaton Tyndall goes by Keats, and Keatsy.
Kylie Tyndall's birth name is Kylie Rae Tyndall.
Keaton Tyndall was born on March 14, 1992, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Buster Keaton's birth name is Joseph Frank Keaton.
Louise Keaton's birth name is Louise Dresser Keaton.
Derek Keaton's birth name is Jason Derek Keaton.
Devin Keaton's birth name is James Devin Keaton.
Joe Keaton's birth name is Keaton V, Joseph Francis.
Kelly Keaton's birth name is Kelly Hanley.
Keaton Yamada's birth name is Shunji Yamada.
Diane Keaton's birth name is Hall, Diane.