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According to a popular magazine that we won't name (Forbes) is with well over 1 trillion yen

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Q: What is Bill Gates current net worth?
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What is Bill Gates's net worth?

Bill Gates' net worth as of May 2014 is around $79.9B.

What is the current amount of bill gates fortune?

7 billion dollars net worth

What is Bill Gates' worth?

Bill Gates net worth as of 2011 is 56 Billion

Bill Gates has how many billion dollars?

Current figures put his net worth at $84 billion USD.

Who is the richest man in the world-?

Forbes Magazine named Carlos Slim Helu, a Mexican businessman, the richest man in the world as of March 2010. His net worth is more than $53.5 billion. The second richest man is Bill Gates, with a $53 billion net worth.

How much is-bill gates worth?

In 2011, his net worth was $56 billion.

How much is Bill Gates worth?

In 2011, his net worth was $56 billion.

What is Bill Gates's net worth estimated at?

$56 Billion or $56000 Million

Does Bill Gates make a billion dollars a day?

No. Bill Gates' net worth is about $40 billion. He lost roughly $18 billion in 2009.

Who has more money P Diddy or bill gate?

P Diddy has a net worth of 700 Million in 2014. Bill Gates has the net worth of 80.9 Billion in 2014.

Who is the worlds richest man in 2006?

William Gates III (Bill Gates). Net worth: 50 billion in 2006.

Does bill gates richer than mark zuckerburg and how much do they worth?

Bill gates has taken the top spot as the richest man with a net worth of $76 billion. Mark Zuckerburg is number 16 on the list of richest men with a net worth of $33.3 billion.