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Bill Gates has donated over $30.2 billion USD (about 37% of his net worth). Over $28 billion of those dollars were donated to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2013 Bill & Melinda Gates were the top philanthropic donors, donating about $2.65 billion dollars.

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Q: How much money has Bill Gates given away to charities?
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How much has Bill Gates given to charities?

Bill Gates has donated over 3 million dollars to charity.

How did Bill Gates help people?

He donates to charities. He also builds schools and hospitals in deprived countries. He also has his own charity called The Bill Gates Foundation.See the related link.Fact - Steve Jobs from Apple has NEVER given any of his wealth to charities. Whereas Bill Gates has spent billions making lives better.

What charity does Bill Gates support?

He supports some kid's charities & his own, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.

What charities has Bill Gates donated to?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the name of the charitable trust started by Bill Gates and Waren Buffett.

Why is Bill Gates a good person?

He is a good person because although he has a lot of money he gives a lot of it away to charities and things like that.

Are their any honest rich people out their giving away money?

Yes, Bill Gates gives thousands away to charities every year.

Who has more money Bill Gates or Michael Jackson?

Bill gates

Did Bill Gates help with the Haiti disaster?

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, most likely helped out in aiding Haiti after this disaster by sending money because he usually donates some of his money to charities and schools and probably decided he should give some money in aiding a country that was destroyed by a natural disaster.

How does Bill Gates make money?

Bill Gates is the owner of Microsoft.

How has bill gates helped other people?

Bill Gates pioneered almost everything involving Computers, the internet, and Microsoft.

What is Bill Gates doing with his money?

Bill Gates has donated tons of money. When he dies he will donate most of the money to charity.

Who makes more money bill gates or the president of the US?

Bill Gates