A "quitaiplas" is a Venezualan homemade instrument made from bamboo; when hit against each other and against the floor produce the unique Qui-ti-pla sound
no it starts with a q OF COURSE IT DOES START WITH AN A
the Q Proberbly stands for a name but could also gust be his or her name
Lo-Q was created in 2000.
Roger Q. Williams died in 1976.
George Q. Cannon died in 1901.
There is no instrument that starts with the letter Q but if someone makes up a new instrument and name it Quadicall or something else.
A Quena, A South American fold instrument- wind instrument
A Quena, A South American fold instrument- wind instrument
Quinticlave is a type of bugle. The quena is a type of flute from South America.
Qeej, quena, quintclave, quatro, quintephone, quint toms.
a word or phrase that has to do with Egypt that starts with a "Q"
queen starts with q
No there is not a city in kansas that starts with the letter Q
Quality control is an engineering career that starts with a q.
what happened in the civil war that starts with the letter q
Quebec starts with a Q, do you?
The longest word that starts with q is quintoplets!!!What about Quartermasterships?