Katniss is injured in EVERY chapter if not physical then sociological or emotionally. the huger games is an excellent book but DON'T read it if you cant deal with abuse and/or you don't have a strong stomach
severe burns
She has her injuries from the Tracker Jackers.
I think it's chapter 6 :)
One injury she got was that she got burned in the leg badly, and one of the tributes threw a knife at her that cut her eyebrow and also cut her lip. She also got her ear blown near a bomb and so she became deaf on one ear, but the Capitol fixed her ear.
severe burns
She has her injuries from the Tracker Jackers.
Depends which book youre talking about.
Katniss does not get hurt in chapter 11. This is when she first enters the arena. The only threat to her life in the chapter is when the girl from district 2 throws a knife at her backpack. The chapter ends with the careers and Peeta standing under a tree Katniss is in, but they cannot see katniss.
She has none, at the start they have just killed Foxface (accidentally) and at the end they are running from the Wolf Muttations.
This is when Katniss blows up the careers' food and other supplies. Katniss cannot hear out of her left ear and is having trouble walking. By the end of the chapter each has minorly recovered, but her bad hearing continues.
Katniss gets caught in a fire.
I think it's chapter 6 :)
she gets burned on her calf and hands
One injury she got was that she got burned in the leg badly, and one of the tributes threw a knife at her that cut her eyebrow and also cut her lip. She also got her ear blown near a bomb and so she became deaf on one ear, but the Capitol fixed her ear.