shy,mature,responisible,never ever misses a detail,overlooks how atractive she is,and in charge
Twilight, the first book.
In Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Bella's daughter is Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-NEZ-may) Carlie Cullen.
In the Twilight saga its : Bella Swan ( until Breaking it becomes Bella Cullen ) The actor who plays Bella Swan is called Kristen Stewart . Hope this helps
when is twilight saga blood trail come out
The very talented star Ashley Greene plays Alice Cullen in the twilight saga
nope :(
Bella does in get pregnant is The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
Twilight, the first book.
In the Twilight Saga, Bella is currently married to Edward.
The Twilight Saga books are all about Bella and her love for Edward.
In The Twilight Saga, Renée Swan is Bella Swan's mother and is in her early thirties.
Bella carries a black and olive green JanSport backpack in The Twilight Saga.
yes in the twilight series Bella and Alice do get along very well