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In Christianity, purple is the color for Lent. However there are likely to be other holidays for which one also wears purple.

It's Wear Purple for Peace Day. You'd think that this day originated in protest of a particular war or conflict. Or, perhaps it should have been conceived by the UN, or another peacemaking or peace keeping group. Our extensive research found no evidence supporting the origin of this holiday stemming from these sources.

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Q: What holiday do you wear purple?
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Does justin bieber like to wear purple?

Yes Justin Bieber likes to wear purple. Justin likes to wear purple because that's because purple is his favorite color

What can you wear on peace day?

Dress as a hippie or wear purple. Purple is the color for peace.

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Purple pants, obviously.

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Yes, you can wear the black sports coat with the purple shirt.

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Well it depends on which team it is. If the team's colors are purple and yellow they wear that if they aren't purple most likely they wont wear purple....understand?

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no,kings wear golden

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U should wear a pony tail with a purple hair the with a purple shirt

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You can wear white, black, silver, gold, or purple shoes.

What to wear on liams birthday?

Yo can wear a shirt that is purple