Freddy "Rerun" Stubbs was a character on the TV show What's Happening!!.
No, Rerun was a character from What's Happening, also created by Bill Cosby.
degrassi... also known as Nina Dobrev....
One day at a time . (Schnyder)
Today the cartoon character Goofy is mainly featured in the show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Minnie's Bow-Toons. But over the past years he was featured in many more shows, some which includes Bonkers and Goof Troop.
No, Rerun was a character from What's Happening, also created by Bill Cosby.
"Facts of Life" was a spin-off to the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes", where Charlotte Rae played the housekeeper, Mrs. Garrett
degrassi... also known as Nina Dobrev....
One day at a time . (Schnyder)
Meet Corliss Archer
Gunter is part of the duo of Gunter and Ernst on the animated sitcom, The Simpsons. The pair performs with a white tiger named Anastasia in the Monty Burns Casino.
There is no popular television series that features a human character named Karr. However, there is a car prototyped named KARR (Knight Rider). It was a character in the tv show Knight Riders.
The movie you are thinking of is "Barton Fink", 1991. The character was played by Judy Davis.
Welcome back, Kotter.