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I thought she was in Clueless the movie. But I looked up the names of the actors in the movie and she wasnt one of them. But I do recognize her but cant place her. It is driving me crazy! Exactly whee I thought she was from too, looks totaly familiar, now I'm Clueless as to where. Her married name is Miriam Mast however, she has acted and modeled under the name Miriam Dwyer. She has not been in anything I know so I think I was also confusing her for Stacey Dash (Clueless). Here is Miriam's imdb page link:

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Q: What has Miriam Mast of Clean House acted in?
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How do you put up a mast?

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The third mast on a vessel called?

Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast.Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located near the center of the ship.Mizzen-mast: the third mast, or the mast immediately aft of the main-mast.(information from wikipedia)

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The front mast is called the Foremast. Sometimes it is called the mizzen mast.

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What is a ship's main mast?

The main mast is the tallest of all masts on the ship. If all masts are the same height, then the one with the top navigationlight is the main mast. If there is only one mast, then that would be the main mast.

What is the shorter mast on the boat?

The shorter mast ahead of the main is the foremast. The shorter mast abaft the main is the mizzen mast. On four or more masted boats -- I don't know.

How do you make your own free radio?

Mast Mast Radio

When was Mast Kalandar created?

Mast Kalandar was created in 1991.

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Günter Mast was born in 1927.