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Basically it can mean anything. If your calling for God, and you get touched by an angel it probably means God is listening to you. Or somehow he's there with you.Now if you just randomly get touched by an angel. Who knows? Maybe you'll turn into something strong and powerful. So it can mean anything, sort of like a message. Now I'm know expert at this but I am a very religious person and I believe this could happen

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Q: What happens when you get touched by a weeping angel?
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Is there a Doctor Who Weeping Angels book?

Yes. There is a Doctor Who book called "Touched By An Angel", featuring the Weeping Angels. The ISBN is: ISBN-10: 1849902348 ISBN-13: 978-1849902342

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Weeping Angel

What would happen if you destroyed a weeping angel in statue form?

The Weeping Angel would die, however, please note that it is impossible to kill a weeping angel as they are a quantum being.

Has Karen Gillan left Doctor Who altogether?

Yes. She officially died in the last episode of Series 7, along with her husband Rory, after being touched by a Weeping Angel.

What is a weeping angel?

A weeping angel is a statue of an angel crying found in Doctor Who. It can come closer and move when no one is looking. They can also turn out the lights.

What is the duration of Touched by an Angel?

The duration of Touched by an Angel is 2880.0 seconds.

When was Touched by an Angel created?

Touched by an Angel was created on 1994-09-21.

What are the point of weeping angel statues that you place in minecraft?

If connected to a redstone circut, it becomes a weeping angel. They're also nice for decoration.

Does a weeping angel exist in Minecraft?

yes it does

Who is the dove on touched by an angel?

Personally, I think the dove is supposed to represent God watching over what happens...

How tall is the Weeping Angel?

normal person height